ADA Frequently Asked Questions
Category: Title II: State & Local Governments
Question: #35
Are state and local governments required to have ADA Coordinators?
TA public entity that employs 50 or more people must designate a “responsible employee” to coordinate compliance with Title II of the ADA. This position is usually called the “ADA Coordinator” but not always. This role may be covered by an individual or shared additional duties such as acting as the Section 504 coordinator or performing HR functions.
However the entity chooses to designate responsibility, this role is charged with investigating complaints of ADA violations and coordinating the entity’s compliance with this law. In order to ensure the public can reach this person, the public entity has a responsibility to share the employee’s name, office address and telephone number with all interested individuals. Many entities choose to do this by posting the information on their public websites.
However the entity chooses to designate responsibility, this role is charged with investigating complaints of ADA violations and coordinating the entity’s compliance with this law. In order to ensure the public can reach this person, the public entity has a responsibility to share the employee’s name, office address and telephone number with all interested individuals. Many entities choose to do this by posting the information on their public websites.